CleanWhite™ Antimicrobial LED Lighting

illumiPure’s CleanWhite solution is a breakthrough in safe, continuous, and rapid surface disinfection. Scientists have long recognized the threat of surface microbes as a major disease vector.

As the CleanWhite fixture illuminates, it continuously kills new surface microbes and suppresses the regrowth of biofilms.

Absolute protection

CleanWhite visible light disinfection technology is safe for humans and pets. While disinfecting, CleanWhite wavelengths don’t affect or degrade any underlying surface materials or textiles.

Science backed

The science of visible light disinfection has been studied and repeatedly proven effective microbial species and pathogens in academic journals and peer-reviewed studies for decades.

Premier disinfection

CleanWhite is the first system that can continually disinfect and destroy surface microbes – even those contained within persistent biofilms.

The science

illumiPure’s CleanWhite kills surface pathogens using spikes of precise wavelengths, at 405nm and at 470nm. Numerous studies have shown that these specific wavelengths, although safe for humans, have the ability to destroy microbes through various mechanisms, resulting in cell membrane damage – through catalyzed oxidation, permeability and leakage, and ion-pump dysfunction.

  • CleanWhite only emits safe, visible white light, which includes “blue light” antimicrobial energy
  • Unlike other visible light surface disinfection systems, CleanWhite can emit antimicrobial light wavelengths at highly effective doses – without emitting visible purple-violet light
  • CleanWhite only uses 405nm+470nm antimicrobial wavelength spikes; illumiPure’s patented chips suppress harmful blue light wavelengths between 410-460 nanometers
  • Because harmful blue light wavelengths are suppressed, CleanWhite lights are safer than most lighting fixtures – especially commercial LED fixtures, which can emit harmful blue wavelengths
  • CleanWhite Kills most latent surface microbes within the first few hours, then continuously suppresses re-growth. The two wavelengths (405+470) increase efficacy in shorter durations
  • CleanWhite is also available as part of an integrated device solution sold as Air Guardian Plus©
  • CleanWhite solutions include impurity-free polymer lenses, which eliminate reflection of dose wavelengths back into the fixture

Standard to custom configurations

CleanWhite fixtures are available for commercial, retail, healthcare, transportation, hospitality, and other industries. While several types of in-plenum fixtures are available, such as standard 2’x2′ and 2’x4′ troffer and panel lights, illumiPure can also produce custom fixtures for nearly any design. Our U.S manufacturing facility has been asked to produce custom fixtures for nearly every industry.

illumiPure’s CleanWhite panel fixture is also found as an integrated component of the illumiPure Air Guardian Plus fixture, which provides simultaneous and continuous air and surface disinfection.

Microbial kill times

The CleanWhite breakthrough is the ability to apply a continuous, safe, but substantial dose of antimicrobial energy, between 30-120 joules/cm2.

Operating continuously, these dose energies can rapidly kill or inactivate bacteria, yeast, mold, and some viral species – even in biofilm form. In a contaminated space, the time needed for high Log-reduction is between four to twenty-four hours, depending on the species and colony counts.

Many species of bacteria and microbes are reduced in high Log levels within 3-4 hours. Studies by MacLean et al., 2009, show that ESKAPE pathogens, a set of highly dangerous organisms such as A. baumannii, S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, E. coli, enterococci, and K. pneumoniae can be destroyed or inactivated by approximately 300 joules/cm2. This represents a total absorbed dose.

Only CleanWhite technology, which can persistently deliver a dose of up to 120 joules/cm2, can provide enough dose energy to destroy those same pathogens within just a few hours.

As an effective last stand against resistant pathogens, many of which are listed by the CDC and the WHO as global human threats.[3][CleanWhite is a breakthrough technology – it can killmany of these dangerous threats within just a few hours, and continually protect surfaces and occupants.

Pathogen destruction

The following list demonstrates CleanWhite’s ability to kill surface pathogens. This is not a complete or exhaustive list.

Salmonella spp.

Escherichia coli spp.

Vibrio vulnificus, Vibrio spp.

Streptococcus pneumoniae

Staphylococcus aureus (including MRSA)

Gram-Positive Staphylococcus spp.

Gram-Negative Staphylococcus spp.

Clostridium difficile

Streptococcus viridans

Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Listeria spp.

Legionella spp.


Acinetobacter baumannii

Bacillus anthracis – Anthrax

Bacillus magaterium sp. (spores)

Bacillus magaterium sp. (veg.)


Feline calicivirus[1] (FCV)


14340 Torrey Chase Blvd, Suite 410
Houston, TX 77014

Phone: (281) 408-2247