Air Guardian®
Air Purification and Disinfection Device

illumiPure’s Air Guardian is a sealed Air Purification and Disinfection Device that uses multiple biophysical technologies to provide the highest level of protection for occupants within any space.

Everyone’s health is affected by the environment in which we live our daily lives. How we travel, where we work, where we live, and where we socialize. In each of these settings - in each space - the air we breathe and the way our bodies interact with the spatial environment can affect our health and well-being.

Creating safer spaces

Air Guardian helps to create safer spaces by reducing and removing harmful gaseous compounds, nanoparticles, fine particles, pollutants, volatile chemical compounds, and airborne microbes.

Fast-acting technology

Unlike any other device, Air Guardian can eliminate microbial pathogens in a single pass through the device.

Safely sealed

Air Guardian doesn’t just trap microbes and hazardous particles like HEPA (and MERV) filter-based systems – it completely kills and destroys microbes and other hazards before they reach the filter.

Air Guardian's proven science

Air Guardian’s world-class1 ultraviolet LEDs fill a patented matrix of special chambers with UV energies as high as 235 Watts. Scientific studies2 have shown that as little as .0169 Watts can completely kill the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

As room air travels through Air Guardian’s chambers, it is simultaneously exposed to a plasma-like cloud of super-oxide ions. These destructive oxides and ions are produced on over 9,256 square inches of surface area within the device.

Air Guardian is the only device that can process air with such intense purification properties for long periods (dose-time). Air Guardian’s chamber matrix uses fluid dynamic elements to retain air for longer durations – up to 22 seconds – so that all pathogens and particles are quickly destroyed within Air Guardian’s chambers, which are filled with intense ultraviolet light and plasma-like oxidizing energies.
Viruses, fungus, mold, bacteria, and spore forms are all destroyed within Air Guardian’s high-energy and plasma-filled chambers.

Purified air is then released from multiple ceiling locations to create downward air displacement into the room. This continuous downward displacement of air mass produces protective zones of air within the breathing strata. This downward venting process helps protect against disease transmission by continuously providing occupants with clean, safe air.

(1) From Seoul SETI (Viosys)
(2) Biasin, M., Bianco, A., Pareschi, G. et al. UV-C irradiation is highly effective in inactivating
SARS-CoV-2 replication. Sci Rep 11, 6260 (2021).

Air Guardian

Air Disinfection

Fixtures are available for commercial, retail, healthcare, transportation, hospitality, and other industries. Air Guardian fixtures are available in 2’x2′, 2’x4′, and portable designs. All fixtures are manufactured in the United States.

Air Guardian Plus©

Air + Surface Disinfection

Fixture allows for the simultaneous and continuous disinfection of both air and surfaces. The Air Guardian Plus includes the CleanWhite LED technology, which together, provides continuous, safe air and surface disinfection.

illumiPure’s CleanWhite™ technology is available in separate luminaire form or as an integrated component of the Air Guardian air disinfection and purification device, and is available in 2’x2′ and 2’x4′ sizes.

Air Guardian Portable

Air Disinfection

Fixture allows for continuous and mobile disinfection of air. This fixture allows the Air Guardian 2’X2′ to become a mobile unit for any area where a permanent Air Guardian may not be appropriate. The fixture arrives as an easy 3-piece assembly and is coated in our propriety TIO2 technology, ensuring that the exterior of the fixture remains germ and microbe-free throughout its lifetime.

Pathogen destruction

The following list demonstrates Air Guardian’s ability to kill pathogens. All pathogens on this list are killed within less than one second within the Air Guardian device.

Vibrio spp.

Vibrio vulnificus

Streptococcus pneumoniae

Staphylococcus aureus

Gram Positive staphylococcus

Gram Negative staphylococcus

Clostridium difficile

Streptococcus viridans

Pseudomonas aeruginosa



Acinetobacter baumannii

Bacillus anthracis – Anthrax

Bacillus magaterium sp. (spores)

Bacillus magaterium sp. (veg.)

Corynebacterium diphtheriae

Ebertelia typhosa

Leptospiracanicola – infectious Jaundice

Microccocus candidus

Microccocus sphaeroides

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Neisseria catarrhalis

Phytomonas tumefaciens

Proteus vulgaris

Pseudomonas fluorescens

Salmonella enteritidis

Salmonella paratyphi

Salmonella typhosa

Bacillus paratyphusus

Bacillus subtilis spores

Bacillus subtilis


Sarcina lutea

Serratia marcescens

Shigella dyseteriae – Dysentery

Shigella flexneri – Dysentery

Shigella paradysenteriae

Spirillum rubrum

Staphylococcus albus

Staphylococcus hemolyticus

Staphylococcus lactis

Stenotrophomonas maltophilia

Vibrio comma – Cholera

SARS-CoV-2 and all variants

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)




Influenza viruses



Feline calicivirus (FCV)

Bacteriophage (MS2)

Infectious Hepatitis

Poliovirus – Poliomyelitis

Tobacco mosaic


Candida albicans

Candida Auris


Cryptococcus neoformans

Cryptococcus gattii




Aspergillius flavus

Aspergillius glaucus

Aspergillius niger

Mucor racemosus A

Mucor racemosus B

Oospora lactis

Penicillium expansum

Penicillium roqueforti

Penicillium digitatum

Rhisopus nigricans

Common yeast cake

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Saccharomyces ellipsoideus

Saccharomyces spores


14340 Torrey Chase Blvd, Suite 410
Houston, TX 77014

Phone: (281) 408-2247