
As hotels and hospitality venues make their way to the “new normal”, hospitality owners have the responsibility to make sure their guests are protected from COVID-19 and other pathogens. In addition to more satisfied guests, keeping their staff and customers safe ensures there are no temporary closures in their future.

Air quality in shopping centers and the illumiPure solution

Eliminate pathogens at the source with illumiPure’s AirGuardian solution. Keep customers and retail workers protected from surface and airborne diseases and illnesses while creating a cleaner, safer environment for everyone. This technology can also be effective in mall food courts, which can contribute to particulate matter in the air.

Keep consistent airflow going through stores and shopping centers with illumiPure’s AirGuardian air treatment technology, which:

  • Neutralizes pathogens
  • Disinfects and filtrates the air
  • Destroys chemical contaminants

Why shopping centers are looking at IAQ:

160ft or 24m

is the excess distance that
airborne pathogens can travel1


of the average person’s
time is spent indoors2

Air quality in supermarkets and the illumiPure solution

Many grocery stores have issues with maintaining clean air filtration systems which contribute to poor air quality. With most being indoors, recirculating air in stores is coming under closer scrutiny. Keeping people distanced can be difficult, so adding another layer of protection is becoming an essential safety measure. illumiPure’s solution can eliminate harmful particles floating in the air and on surfaces while keeping clean air circulating throughout supermarkets.

Adding illumiPure AirGuardian solutions within supermarkets keep produce protected and surfaces clean with LED microbe-killing technology, limiting the spread of viruses and other bacteria that can cause illness.

Why supermarkets are looking at IAQ:

Air pollution can be up to


higher indoors1

Mold and mildew

can lead to respiratory issues2

Science-backed and real-world proven

The Air Guardian air purification solutions have been expertly engineered to disinfect air and surfaces like no other solution on the market.

Contact us to find your solution

14340 Torrey Chase Blvd, Suite 410
Houston, TX 77014


Phone: (281) 408-2247


Email: [email protected]


14340 Torrey Chase Blvd, Suite 410
Houston, TX 77014

Phone: (281) 408-2247